Co-Chair BCBA Construction Law Subcommittee
For immediate release
I am very pleased to have been appointed Co-Chair of the Construction Law Sub-committee of the Burlington County Bar Association Civil Practice Section, to serve through the coming year with my friend and co-chair Jim Landgraf. Jim and I did our turns as co-chairs in the NJ State Bar Association Construction Law Section a few years back, so this is something of a second act without the turnpike commute. Best of all, the BCBA subsection enjoys a roster of excellent and experienced members, so for any new attorney who might share our interest in the complex and interesting field of construction law, the BCBA Construction Law Sub-committee is the place to grow. We’re going to do our best to wind the clock back to pre-pandemic norms, and meet in person whenever possible to share news, tips, and connections. To join, you can find your membership application online at
South Jersey construction attorney Robert J. Incollingo is certified as a Construction Risk and Insurance Specialist (CRIS) through the International Risk Management Institute, Inc. (IRMI), and welcomes your legal assignments regarding construction risk management and insurance issues.