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Date: October 29, 2012

New Continuing Education Course for Real Estate Licensees: “Cautionary Tales – 2011 REC Disciplinary Reports with Citations to Authority”

For immediate release

The New Jersey Real Estate Commission has approved a new Continuing Education Course, “Cautionary Tales – 2011 REC Disciplinary Reports with Citations to Authority,” written and presented by South Jersey attorney Robert J. Incollingo. The Course Identification/Reference Number is: C20160755.

It would be shortsighted for the practicing real estate professional to think that professional ethics begins and ends with trade association codes and standards of practice, and that transgressions are always privately managed through contract arbitration. This course will show how ethical standards are enforced by our system of administrative law, through regulations and statutes referenced in the 2011 NJ REC disciplinary proceedings, that the student may gain from the cautionary tales told in these reports and learn from the mistakes of others. The material will be delivered with reference to New Jersey case, statutory and regulatory law, with special attention paid to the legal backdrop for imposition of punishment at the administrative level, and to the standards for appellate court review. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should have a better understanding of the application of the rules and regulations which express the ethical underpinnings of the business of real estate, and be better able to avoid the pitfalls which have brought down their misguided peers.

For information on upcoming dates, times and locations for the presentation of the new course, please contact the author at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bob Incollingo has thirty years of experience representing clients in real estate matters.

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