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Date: April 08, 2013

New Continuing Education Course for Real Estate Licensees: “Pre-inspection Agreements”

For immediate release

The New Jersey Real Estate Commission has approved a new Continuing Education Course, “Pre-inspection Agreements,” written and presented by South Jersey real estate lawyer Robert J. Incollingo. The Course Identification/Reference Number is: C20160925.

No less than the contract of sale and the listing agreement, the Pre-inspection Agreement attends nearly every residential real estate transaction in New Jersey, and yet receives little or no attention from the parties and their agent Licensees. No home inspection can lawfully take place without a Pre-inspection Agreement, whose required contents are, arguably, the flower of consumer law in New Jersey. A well-drafted Pre-inspection Agreement will educate all involved to their rights under the law that governs home inspection, and disabuse misplaced presumptions as well. A badly drawn Pre-inspection Agreement may well be illegal, and leave the home inspection client in the dark on what to expect.

It has become a byword in real estate practice, that a house must be sold twice – the second time during the inspection process. Therefore, the objective of this course to equip the practicing real estate professional with an overview of the regulatory requirements for Pre-inspection Agreements, crucial to the “second sale.” The material will be delivered with primary emphasis on the regulations issued by the New Jersey Home Inspection Advisory Committee, which licenses home inspectors and regulates the home inspection profession, and with reference to related State and Federal case, statutory and regulatory law. Upon successful completion of the course, the student should be better able to assist the consumer client to understand and manage issues arising in the review, negotiation and performance of Pre-inspection Agreements.

For information on upcoming dates, times and locations for the presentation of the new course, please contact the author at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Bob Incollingo has thirty years of experience representing clients in real estate matters.

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