World’s Leading Authority on Thermography Law Speaks at IR/INFO 2016
For immediate release
New Jersey construction lawyer Robert J. Incollingo will again be presenting at IR/INFO 2016, to be held January 17 – 20, 2016, in Orlando, Florida. IR/INFO is the annual forum and information exchange hosted by the Infraspection Institute for in-house and contract thermographers, business owners and entrepreneurs in the thermographic, NDT, and P/PM fields. Mr. Incollingo will present “Liability Insurance Law for the Thermographer,” a short course designed and intended for thermographers interested in risk management.
Robert J. Incollingo has been recognized as the world’s leading authority on the law of infrared thermography since before the turn of the century. He has been an invited speaker at IR/INFO since 2001.
1 – As far as I’ve been able to tell, there is no distinct field of knowledge called “thermography law,” so it’s fair to say I have no present competition for the title. And in all fun, remember, “… experts agree that while there is a theoretical basis to thermography, there is no provable use for it …” Thermographic Diagnostics v. Allstate, 125 N.J. 491, 593 A.2d 768 (1991).